Tuesday 9 December 2014

Just white

I have to buy shoes. I have already tried to cover the holes in my old red boots with heart shaped pieces of black tape but a whole off hanging shoe sole is harder to cover! This year I have only bought one pair of shoes and one dress, I am quite happy with my old clothes. I am not saying I'm untidy or scruffy or careless, I just 1.like my old things 2.don't really need anything (but shoes obviously) 3.don't like trying things on in sweaty crowded shops 3.have extremely limited wardrobe space 4.don't have a lot of money. I usually only wear three colours: black, red and white which is a total opposite to the way I decorate my unicornfart home. I am truly limited when it comes to this and really sensitive to the feeling of "not being myself" if I for instance have some blue in my outfit. Silly me. I have been avoiding this fecking boot issue for months now and the weather is really getting to my toes! I am seriously considering replacing the old pair with a similar new one... X

Friday 28 November 2014


(I just ordered a new camera, I'm so so excited!) It's a night of a chilly day. I am home alone making Christmas cards and a mess with glass paints. Now I have ex tomato sauce jars making funny patterns on the walls. (I hope this is the last photo posted taken with the poor old camera...)

I like seeing pictures of people's cute homes and quirky details in them. (I also like going for walks on the dark streets because that way I can steal a glimpse of someone's lit kitchen or sitting room through the windows!) I wonder if I should make some kind of a home post too when my new lovely Canon arrives. It's not that this flat is something spectacular and amazing but it's really dear to me. And it might be that I will be moving soon (again) since it's just too damn cold in here and I need to document the place before it's forever gone for me. X

Saturday 22 November 2014

Pinkish With Fluffy Grey

I started no-poo-washing my hair this week. All the chemicals and unknown, weird, strange stuff in hair products has started bothering me. Now instead of shampoo I'm using baking soda mixed with water and instead of conditioner organic apple cider vinegar mixed with water. If my hair feels extra dry after washing I'll just add some coconut oil to the ends. Yesterday I also washed my hair with only water, just to see how it'd end up. The little grease in my hair was melted away by the hot water and afterwards my hair was almost like it was washed with shampoo. Instead of dry shampoo I'm going to try cinnamon and coco powder! I used to be a proper hairspray junkie with my victory rolls and all sorts of mental hairdos but I've found out I'm okay also with less stiffness in my head area (I remember a teacher in primary school whose hair was so hard that when someone threw an eraser at her, it just bounced off without her noticing anything!). I'll be updating about my progress, apparently during the first weeks I'll be looking like a right mess so lots of bandanas for CreaTea.... X

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Green And Shiny Yellow

I forever feel wanderlust. I have a home in three countries, with many people and in many places yet to discover. There's the country where I was born and raised, the country where I escaped to, where I was free for the first time, where I was silly and young and happy and sad, and the country I always dreamed about, where I live now. In my heart I am homeless, I've never settled anywhere. I always think about the next step, how to pack my bags and continue my search for a place where I feel I want to stay. I am always missing the places I am not in and the people I am not with. Sometimes to the extent that it feels like I forget where I actually am and who I am with. I forget to appreciate and I forget to be thankful.

I am stingy when it comes to building nests, careers, relationships. I never get too comfortable in a room, in a role or with a person. I wouldn't paint walls or buy something heavy because it would make it more difficult to leave. I wouldn't take a position of responsibility in a company or commit to a long lasting education, make a CreaTea shaped hole in some material. I wouldn't open my heart and head and past and future to a person because it could turn into an anchor. 

In the end I carry my home with me like a snail. I am me, my own person. I think I am getting there, I am finding a place to stay. I've seen a corner, a chimney, a smile. I even bought a rough chest of drawers, painted it and changed the knobs! X

Monday 17 November 2014

Almost Blue

The place I live in is in constant progress, movement, evolution. For a longish time the light bulb in the hall was hanging from the ceiling alone without a cover. The space that you just pass so fast on your way in or out was being undeniably neglected. I didn't want anything too big or long or wide or otherwise massive because the hall itself is not very large or high (when entering as a group you must walk in as a queue!). What is not too big and fits as a lampshade? A tin! More precisely a tin that once contained a bottle of lovely smell (slightly bigger than a regular bean tin). Some rainbow paint, a few random holes to create night sky light dots on the walls and ceiling when the light is on and a spirit lifting lampshade is born. X

Thursday 13 November 2014

Brick Red

It's been really cold lately, both outside and in. 14 degrees in the flat! I knew I had to do something, that something was a snake. I put my flowery wellies on and walk-run to the shop in the rain falling like icy needles. I bought 4 kilos of rice. At home I chose two pairs of old tights and cut the legs off. I placed the legs inside each other to form a strong tube, filled it with rice and tied the end closed.

At this stage I need to tell you a little story of a string of events that only ever take place in the life of Createa. Last summer I flew from my home in the Other Country to the home in This Country. In total I had to take three flights to make the journey. The first flight was late of course, which caused me to miss my next flight and the flight after that. Unfortunately my bag didn't miss the flight but continued alone somewhere in the world (I heard he had been to at least Belgium but no one was quite so sure where else). I ended up arriving home in time, my bag arrived two weeks later, burned and in absolute bits. One of the clothes damaged inside it was a green-red flowery circle skirt that I had made myself about 4 years ago (so many fours in this text!). I didn't want to throw the remains away, I always think something new can be made of everything old. Also this time the remaining lovely fabric (wee bit burned smelling) was turned into the snake's skin!

Now the pretty snake is stretched over the massive gap between the floor and the front door to stop the draught from penetrating my home. X

Saturday 8 November 2014

White With Some Yellow

I just came from work. I don't like to work. I don't like being somewhere at a certain time and smile to rude people. I don't like being stressed. I'd so much prefer being at home, painting, going for walks, cuddling, baking, writing. I work only to earn enough to live somewhere, wash and eat occasionally. I don't save or go out or buy things. I don't think I'm lazy, I'm just a simple misanthropist I guess, and motivated by creativity instead of money and ambition (I always even have to check this word up in the dictionary because I don't remember it or it's just simply not a part of my vocabulary). I have absolutely no career plans. I have a university degree in something that doesn't inspire or interest me. Getting older I get more and more confused about what I'd want to do with this precious life. I just want to be happy! I want to be calm and content. I want to do and make things with my hands. X

Thursday 6 November 2014

Light Grey

It's a wet soft grey day, the streets shine like latex. There's hardly any leaves left in the trees, their black skeletons stand motionlessly. I've been knitting a sock that I finished a moment ago and I just don't have it in me to knit an other one of the same design SO the pair is going to be mismatching, I hope the wearer won't mind... Then again, he knows it's me who's knitting so this was probably expected. I do regret I won't be sharing any pictures at this stage before I purchase a new camera which I've been dreaming about for long. I can tell you I've been using mustard yellow, grey, deep purple and orange wool in the socks and you can imagine what they are like!

EDIT: Still no decent photography equipment but here you go! This is the first sock, they are both ready now.

I also baked cupcakes and ended up icing them with bright green icing because the colour was so cheap in the shop Halloween being over. My second Halloween ever! This time of the year my fingers, feet and the tip of my nose are as cold as a dead person's, which doesn't disturb me as much as it bothers the dear person whose armpits I will slip my hands into. Entering the loo here is temperature wise like going outside and it won't surprise me if my poor bum cheeks will freeze into the toilet seat one of these mornings...

Soon I'll be wrapping myself into my dad's old jacket, sinking my hands into my lobster claw red mittens and heading out to town to get something small from the charity shop for a project of mine... X

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Start The Beginning

I am CreaTea, an old lady and a little girl, nothing from between. With you I shall be sharing colourful recycling projects, photos, cupcakes, paintings, sock knitting, whatever fills my days. I am quiet, I have fire in my spirit and I prefer cats and trees to people. I live in an European capital in a tiny birdhouse home that I decorate with rainbowy bits, little lights and silly things. I would be super happy to receive messages from you beautiful persons who somehow happen to read my words. I do apologise for my clumsiness, I am a blog virgin and also not a computer genius. Let the journey begin. X